by J-Pav » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:24 pm
[quote:dd18c0e7c1="LA Bear"]I'm planning to live with Edmonds strengths and weaknesses...Ford will cover for him when he is out....Great bat....his team mates will just need to pick up the let down.[/quote:dd18c0e7c1]
Just so you know, Willie Bloomquist is currently your best roster option in CF versus LHP, followed by Ford [i:dd18c0e7c1]then[/i:dd18c0e7c1] Edmonds [u:dd18c0e7c1]last[/u:dd18c0e7c1]. One third of your at bats will be versus LHP, so it makes little sense to "live" with Edmonds when you can easily upgrade Bloomquist (or at least [i:dd18c0e7c1]start[/i:dd18c0e7c1] Bloomquist) and drastically improve your line-up. Plus, when Edmonds gets hurt (which will happen more often batting from both sides) you lose a major offensive weapon in your line-up versus RHP, who will then be replaced by Lew Ford??
Regarding pitching, if you are planning on using Wang as a long reliever, that's not really a deal breaker, but there's more value in an equally priced R2 or R3 pure reliever. The problem that I see is that you went with strong double-play pitching, but you're diluting them with 3s at 2B and 3B. You need to keep A-Rod's bat, but might consider upgrading your 2B defense at the expense of Durham's offense. Iguchi, who's usually FA available, is one possible solution here.
The reliever situation is what it is. If Kuo or Downs become available, jump on them however you can. Thornton and/or Kennedy also have value in hitters parks.