Anyone use Dye in a pitchers park? How'd he do?

Anyone use Dye in a pitchers park? How'd he do?

Postby geekor » Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:40 am

Got him on my latest team, he has been a top 5 player OPS wise in a hitters park, but I've never used him in a pitchers park. Not really much I like left to replace him with, and yes I am trying the trade route.

Has he worked out for anyone in a pitchers park?

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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:23 pm

I've got a team starting tonight with him in the Trop. I'm interested in seeing how it's going to turn out myself. :)
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Postby DHowser » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:22 pm

I've used him in both, with mixed results. I Had him on this RFK team, which struggled through the whole season. Dye also had a 10 and a 15 game injuries in this season.
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:38 pm

Nah- he's always done really well for me in pitcher's parks, you should have kept him Geekor :)
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Postby geekor » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:31 pm

As DT alluded to, I traded him for the C I tried to get in the draft McCann.

Already had Holiday and didn't want to run 2 4's in the OF.

thanks anyways, Jeep let me know how he does!
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Postby ClowntimeIsOver » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:32 pm

on average, his OPS would be at least 210 points lower than in an average park (when the roll was on his card, which is half the time) in a 1/1 park -- and at least 105 points lower in a 5/5 or 6/6 park

you can estimate park effect on OBA by looking at the rolls that have a park symbol, which for Dye are:

vs. L: rolls of 3,2,3,7,11 = chances (out of 3X36 dice combinations) of 2+1+2+6+2 = 13 PA (out of 108 PA) = park has an effect on 13/108 PA

vs. R: 3,4,3,6,12 = 2+3+2+5+1 = 13 (out of 108)

it's the same for left and right -- 13/108

13/108 means it would be half that much in an average 10/10 park, or 6.5 times on base per 108 PA (because an average park creates a 50/50 chance)

so in a 1/1 park, it would be 0.1 x 6.5 "park effect" times on base per 108 PA (a tenth of average), and in a 19/19 park it would be 1.9 x 6.5 /108

when the roll is on his card (not the pitcher's): in a "1/1" park, he'd have 5.85 fewer times on base per 108 PA than in an average (10/10) park, and in a 19/19 park he'd have 5.85 times more than average -- so, for starters, his OBA would be .054 lower in the most extreme pitchers' park when the roll is on his card

SLG is too time-consuming to figure so quickly, but HR/PA is an easy substitute:

vs. L: 7,11 = 6+2 = 8 "park effect" HR chances per 108 PA
vs. R: 3,6,12 = 2+5+1 = ditto

in an average 10 park: 4 "park-effect" HR per 108 PA, when on his card

so, when on his card, in a 1 park he'd have 3.6 fewer "park effect" HR per 108 PA than in an average park (and he'd have 3.6 more than average in a 19 park)

that suggests his SLG is reduced by at least 150 points on lost HR's alone in a 1 park, and probably a lot more when you realize the above is PA and not AB

so OPS in a 1/1 park would be at least 210+ points lower when the roll is on his card, and at least 100+ points lower in a 5/5 or 6/6 park

this is easier to figure out than it sounds -- all you have to do is add up a few single-digit numbers in your head -- takes a minute or so adding it up by eye when you learn to do it:

2,3,4,5,6 roll = 1,2,3,4,5 times out of 108
ditto the reverse: 12,11,10,9,8 roll = 1,2,3,4,5 times
7 roll = 6 times

you add it up, use half the total for an average park, and then the maximum park effect is +/- 0.9 times the average park total
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Postby Spider 67 » Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:05 pm

I'm playing him now in Shea - 51 games into the season

BA .216 OBP .258 SLG .377 (K's about 1/4 of AB)

Also played him in Dolphins earlier

BA .260 OBP .336 SLG .445 (came to life in playoffs and won championship for me - 4 HR, 12 RBI)
Spider 67
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