by dspeters5 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:08 am
This league is fun because most of the managers are also very motivated and responsible. I know Joe would have liked to share this. It would help keep things moving if each manager would get into a habit of checking the boards at least once, if not twice a day. It would also help to leave proxy picks if you know you will be away for a time. Joe, Charlie and I have exchanged phone numbers and we will call each other if we see the other is up for a pick. Just a couple of helpful hints. It is frustrating to wait one or two or three days for one pick because of poor planning on some managers parts. The other overstuffed league is frustrating, because several managers are quite laid back. It takes us almost three weeks to draft six rounds. If you do not feel comfortable with leaving a phone number with Joe, find a friend in this league that you do feel comfortable leaving a phone number or at least leave proxy picks with, thanks, just a friendly, helpful tip.