by kimkrichbaum2 » Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:29 pm
Interesting bullpen, but you don't need so many, drop the bottom two. I like your balance between hitting lefties and righties, and the balance of your pitchers although Westbrook is WAY over priced in my book). One glaring need I see is an outfielder to platoon with Williams, you don't want him hitting righties. Mackowiak, Choo, Dellucci, Guiel, or even Amezaga come to mind. You could replace Castro and Biggio with one utility infielder to save a little cash and a space.
Not a bad team for your first time. be aware that neutral parks like Turner are the hardest to win in. Next time try a pitchers park like Shea or RFK, or a hitters park, like US cel, or a lefty leaner like Dolphins, and take advantage of your stadium.