I have 3 lead-off candidates vs RHP - Chavez, Carlos Guillen, and Rob Mackowiak. I was thinking of hitting Chavez first, Guillen second, and Mackowiak 6th, but I could go Guillen 1st and Mackowiak 2nd, and push Chavez to 6th. I know Guillen will hit and get on base, but is he better suited to drive in runs than lead-off?
I've used him primarily in RFK and the last one listed at ATT (season not yet complete). I play him in left and usually bat him in the 6 or 7 spot (sometimes 2 against reverse lefties):
I used him a couple times in RFK in left and center. Same sort of numbers as mjf. I wouldn't lead him off versus right, he has decent small ball power versus righties, but his obp isn't stellar.