by ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:21 am
Freel/Pierre/Ichiro batting 1-2-3 and each scored over 100 runs and Ichiro drove in around 138 - not bad for a singles hitter. A factor that speed followed by fast, high average hitters with low or no DP's is something I don't see a lot of players employ. Freel had his usual high OBA in this league and hit about .275. But Pierre hit just under .350 and Ichiro hit .396...I think the factor of speed, high average hitters, the GB+ being hits due to runners being held and a singles park like Fenway allowed for a lot of runs scored - each making the hitter behind them more effective.
Now if you follow those 3 with extremely high slugging types - you have an OF that only costs 16.09(or you can use someone like Bocachia against LHP and DH Freel) - you'd have an oF for under 19M with good arms surrounding Pierre - to make running on Pierre less attractive and have a solid hitting, high OBA oF that fields well and could put a lot of big numbers up offensively - especially with a Mora/Loretta/Irod/ or big HR hitters with Natural HRs - Bonds/Glaus/Morneau hitting behind them.
Not really a bad plan with a midranged, low whip staff and a great closer.