Everyone is always looking for the next formula to rate hitters and some get quite complex, but lately I have been thiunking about all of the problems and I think I have decided that the way I best like to rate a player's season or career is to use this simple formula .. I think it best evaluates how bases were created in a year by one player with out getting too complex
so take for instance the debate of AL MVP this year A-Rod vs Ortiz
A-Rod had 369 TB + 91 BB + 21 SB +16 HBP +3 SF -6 CS - 8 GDP = 486 /
605 AB +91 BB +16 HBP =712
Total Base Average = .682
Does this percentage not say he will generate .682 bases per AB ???
Now take Ortiz
363 TB + 102 BB + 1SB +1 HBP + 9 SF -13 GDP = 463 /
601 AB + 102 BB +1 HBP = 704
Total Base Average = .658
Am I off here saying this is a good way to rate players?
Has someone already devised this formua? (I'm sure they have)
And is this not a simple way to rate players and more effective than OPS???