Version 13.0 and older roster disks

Version 13.0 and older roster disks

Postby Valen » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:40 am

It has been several years since I messed with the cdrom game. I think it was version 7 or so. And I have a number of roster disks from when the whole thing came on disks before the cdrom game.

What I am wondering is how many of these old disks will I be able to use if I purchase the newest version 13.0 cdrom baseball game? Is there any point to going back and looking at what I have before ordering or should I just go ahead and order what I want and consider all I had from the past as scrap?
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:02 am

Valen, I still have a box full of 3.5" floppies with those rosters on them. I don't have the new season game yet but for every prior season those floppies (and CDs for the later seasons) are not only still good, they're required. Every time I udgraded to the new game I've had to go back and insert those floppies to "validate" that I had a purchased disk for every past season that I was using.

A year or two ago they started offering an option where you mail them your floppy disks and they send back a CD with all your purchased rosters on them. I kept meaning to do that but have never gotten around to it.

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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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