by cummings2 » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:28 pm
Big, just by saying I was right about something you gave my self esteem a boost of stratospheric proportions. The whole concept of good and evil has been restored in my universe.
I'm still sulking over getting swept by master jedi penn in the semis...but now I know, ooooh boy do I know what a W stands for in a card.
You heard it here folks Cummings may fail to get a W in the playoffs but boy-o-boy does he know his Ws while setting his lineups!
Note to self: Next time try to get some Ns in there (might help when I meet Penn again...the circle will be complete then)
BTW Big, I was reading your blog last night. Being a distant Arsenal fan myself I liked catching up on the premiere league. I'll post some comments there chipping in with my Arsenal two cents if you don't mind. :wink: