Interesting... I was running some numbers earlier. According to a simple formula Maligned dropped over in the strategy forum OBP * SLG * ABs is a way of roughly predicting the ammnt. of runs a team should/will score, so if the result is higher than the actual ammt. of runs the team has scored the offense is not being very efficient.
Now I am not a stat guru or anything like to that, but IF that formula holds water your offense is not being very productive, you should've scored about 19-20 runs more by now so regardless of the overall low numbers I think it'd be good to make the offense more efficient, that's why I suggesed not small balling in the top of the order.
Now, from what I see in your stats there is a bit of a low % of SB: .676 -I usually aim for a .750.
Essentially what I am trying to say is that there are 2 problems I see in your offense:
1 Overall low numbers
2 Inefficient usage of the production you are getting.
In re: #1 and your question, I have had teams that start in strange funks and then turn it around, keep in mind that the overall numbers will look low because of the slow start, so it has helped me to calculate stats from the moment I make the changes, in your case it'd be from tonight or whenever you do your shakeup. If I don't sometimes I fail to see the progress the team IS making.
the low number of succesful sacs leads me to thinking that those are mostly bunts as opposed to sac flies and the really low performance in H&R may be because the wrong batters are trying to do so, this might be a factor for the low SB%, keep an eye on who is getting caught stealing and at what point it happens to determine if it IS costing you runs or if it was a gamble worth taking. I still hold to the belief that sacs, bunts and poor base running are hurting you a bit, that's why I suggested resetting all to normal...though who knows, maybe your settings are already there.