by ArtemusRex » Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:17 am
Ok, this is a totally rookie guess to this but I would say April. You figure with the card game just coming out and with the enormity of importing the Strat-O-Matic data that this would be a good guess. I figure the "new this year" changes to game play and HTML coding for the "new look" is already done. Also, this is around the time of Major League Baseball.
Of course, you could find out from somebody when the TSN site had opening day in 2003, 2004, and 2005 and figure its probably somewhere in that range.
Anybody remember. Kolak, Cummings, or any of the many Strat-A-Veterans reading this now, care to way in on a Guesstimation.
If this was a pool, I'd take April 3rd.
Hey, I'll start a poll in another topic. Look for it.