Now playing: 1986 (FREE), ATG III v2

Now playing: 1986 (FREE), ATG III v2

Postby bernieh » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:18 pm

We're pleased to announce that both the [b:4a34e9cef7]1986 season player set[/b:4a34e9cef7], including our brand new exclusive Live Draft feature, and [b:4a34e9cef7]All-Time Greats III version 2[/b:4a34e9cef7], which includes new salaries for all of ATG III's players as well as 25 new cards, are now available!

[size=16:4a34e9cef7][b:4a34e9cef7]1986 season[/b:4a34e9cef7][/size:4a34e9cef7] - [url=]Start a new team[/url]

This game has 100% of the functionality and thrills of any of our other premium games, but for a limited time, [url=]you can play it for free[/url]! Tell all your friends!

- The first available time slots for you to schedule your Live Draft are on Wednesday, March 5.
- Before the end of tomorrow I'll be providing you with an Excel spreadsheet of the entire player set with salaries to help you familiarize yourself with the players more conveniently.
- We reserve the right to end the free offer on the '86 set at our discretion, but we will give you at least some notice before we do so. If that happens, we will be cancelling all teams that are not in leagues or whose scheduled Live Drafts are too far in the future. So don't bother trying to stockpile free, empty teams in the hope you will be able to turn them into premium ones.
- Yet another reminder that Live Draft leagues [b:4a34e9cef7]do not have a salary cap[/b:4a34e9cef7]. I've tried to make this clear leading up to today because I know that many of you are used to participating in lengthy drafts where you need to deliberate over balancing your team budget. Our Live Draft is more similar to the standard fantasy baseball draft, with 90 seconds to just pick the best guy for your team. Those of you who still want to live draft with a salary cap can of course still use MajorDeegan's site, or wait to see if I can build a quickie replacement eventually.

[size=16:4a34e9cef7][b:4a34e9cef7]ATG III version 2[/b:4a34e9cef7][/size:4a34e9cef7] - [url=]Start a new team[/url]

Per the community's suggestion, we've updated the salaries of all ATG III players to reflect their relative demand/usage, to inject some new energy into the set you're all familiar with. We've also introduced 25 new cards, either as upgrades or as completely new additions. I'll list these new cards for you, as well as provide you with an Excel spreadsheet of the entire player set with both version 1 and 2 salaries, before tomorrow is over.

- Please update your ATG III bookmarks to point to the new central SOM site:
- Effective immediately we are discontinuing support for ATG III v1's subsets (AL/NL Only, pre-/post-1961). The subsets are now playable under Version 2 instead.
- The ability to start Live Draft leagues will be made available for ATG III v2 and its 4 subsets next week.

[size=16:4a34e9cef7][b:4a34e9cef7]2007 season[/b:4a34e9cef7][/size:4a34e9cef7]

A few notes on the upcoming debut of the 2007 player set (my work is never done):
- If it doesn't debut this Friday, it'll be on Monday.
- Be prepared to very confused, at least for a little while, with our naming convention: we're not calling this "the 2008 game", because all new games will actually debut as "player sets" hosted within the central SOM site. So this will be the "2007 player set", because it's based on the 2007 season. Where it gets really ugly is that the former "2007 game" really should be called "the 2006 set", and so forth. Sorry! I want to shoot me as much as you do right now.
- We will be honoring our long-standing policy of transferring ONE unused SOM 2007 (2006 season, ugh) credit to the new game. This will be done [i:4a34e9cef7]automatically[/i:4a34e9cef7] some time on the following business day after the game launches. Managers who win League Championships going forward WILL be able to claim their prizes as credits for the new game.

Hope I covered everything! Enjoy!
Bernie H.
Last edited by bernieh on Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby the splinter » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:28 pm

It all sounds good...thankd Bernie.
the splinter
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby DHowser » Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:25 pm

one question I have is .... since there is no salary cap when using the live draft, what happens with waivers during the season? Since there is no cap, does this mean we can just drop and at at will with no penalty?
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:56 am

Today's the day?

[quote:73794ed12b]007 season

A few notes on the upcoming debut of the 2007 player set (my work is never done):
- If it doesn't debut this Friday, it'll be on Monday.
- Be prepared to very confused, at least for a little while, with our naming convention: we're not calling this "the 2008 game", because all new games will actually debut as "player sets" hosted within the central SOM site. So this will be the "2007 player set", because it's based on the 2007 season. Where it gets really ugly is that the former "2007 game" really should be called "the 2006 set", and so forth. Sorry! I want to shoot me as much as you do right now.
- We will be honoring our long-standing policy of transferring ONE unused SOM 2007 (2006 season, ugh) credit to the new game. This will be done automatically some time on the following business day after the game launches. Managers who win League C[/quote:73794ed12b]
PJ Axelsson
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:50 am

Sure sounds like it!! :D :D
Posts: 55
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Why no more quick draft?

Postby caimrisek » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:21 am

Just wondering why there is no more quick draft when making a team? It was a very convenient tool in quickly drafting a team based on simple could still improve and finagle as you saw fit. Bring it back man!!!!!
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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