1986 Theme League - waiting on geekor to load.

Postby LMBombers » Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:50 pm

All players from your two teams are your property, and can not be chosen or picked up by anybody else, (you can think of players not on your 25 man roster as your minor leagues.) If you drop a player during the season from your roster, other teams may pick him up for a period of 3 days. if he is not picked up, then he becomes your exclusive property again. You can trade players from your roster and players from your farm team. Once you trade for a player you have the same rights to him that his original team did. Trades can be unbalanced (3 for 2 for example) but all trades must be within 2.5 mil in total salary.

The above is from the original post in this thread. As to players from undrafted teams I would think that they are off limits to all for this league.
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Postby Madigan33 » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:03 pm

Trades are allowed as long as there is not an imbalance of more than $2.5M.

You can only keep a 25 man roster. If a player is injured you can call up one of your other players, until that player is no longer injuried. Then you must drop one player. For 72 hours the player you dropped is free game for any other team to pick up, of course they can not have a roster over 25 unless they have an injured player. After 72 hours, the player is yours again.

Players from teams that are not draft are not available at any time.
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Postby DARRENLYONS » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:50 pm


Please disregard my proxies. I am in front of a computer again. Thanks.

Posts: 55
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Postby geekor » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:55 pm

no problem, in fact I don't read proxies until I have to (try to be honest as I can) so if you want to go in your outbox and delete the message I never will!
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Postby DARRENLYONS » Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:09 pm

Message deleted. Thanks!

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Postby AFDickie » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:17 pm

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03)
9. Deelyo - St. Louis Cardinals (59.06)
10. geekor - Montreal Expos (76.05)
11. Fleegle76 - Philadelphia Phillies (77.23)
12. AF Dickie - Reds
13. AF Dickie - Indians
14. Fleegle
15. geekor
16. Deelyo
17. Bigleo
18. LMBombers
19. Keyvick
20. Madigann
21. Visick
22. CATom
24. Zimharry
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Postby LMBombers » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:26 pm

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03)
9. Deelyo - St. Louis Cardinals (59.06)
10. geekor - Montreal Expos (76.05)
11. Fleegle76 - Philadelphia Phillies (77.23)
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
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Postby geekor » Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:09 pm

damn wanted Cle... oh well back to the drawing board.

going out to play some basketball, be back on in an hour or 2
Posts: 55
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Postby fleegle76 » Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:21 pm

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03)
9. Deelyo - St. Louis Cardinals (59.06)
10. geekor - Montreal Expos (76.05)
11. Fleegle76 - Philadelphia Phillies (77.23) + San Diego Padres
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
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Postby LMBombers » Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:21 pm

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03)
9. Deelyo - St. Louis Cardinals (59.06)
10. geekor - Montreal Expos (76.05)
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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