1986 Theme League - waiting on geekor to load.

Postby geekor » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:39 pm

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03)
9. Deelyo - St. Louis Cardinals (59.06)
10. geekor - Montreal Expos + Reds (76.05 + 70.90) = 146.95
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Madigan33 » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:43 pm

Reds are already taken.

You listed the Reds salary at 70.90, AF Dickie listed it as 71.49....why the disparity?
Posts: 55
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Postby geekor » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:03 pm

ahhh crap

ok give me a few minutes....
Posts: 55
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Postby geekor » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:34 pm

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03)
9. Deelyo - St. Louis Cardinals (59.06)
10. geekor - Montreal Expos + Braves (76.05 + 64.97) = 141.02
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby DARRENLYONS » Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:47 am

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03)
9. Deelyo - Cardinals + Pittsburgh Pirates (59.06 + 64.49) = 123.55
10. geekor - Montreal Expos + Braves (76.05 + 64.97) = 141.02
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Madigan33 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:13 am

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - New York Yankees (80.93)
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants (80.03) + Baltimore O's (By Proxy)
9. Deelyo - Cardinals + Pittsburgh Pirates (59.06 + 64.49) = 123.55
10. geekor - Montreal Expos + Braves (76.05 + 64.97) = 141.02
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby LMBombers » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:35 am

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84)
7. LMBombers - NY Yankees + LA Dodgers (80.93+ 65.95) = 146.88
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants + Baltimore O's (80.03 + 59.76) = 139.79
9. Deelyo - Cardinals + Pittsburgh Pirates (59.06 + 64.49) = 123.55
10. geekor - Montreal Expos + Braves (76.05 + 64.97) = 141.02
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby keyzick » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:40 am

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers (74.84) + Royals
7. LMBombers - NY Yankees + LA Dodgers (80.93+ 65.95) = 146.88
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants + Baltimore O's (80.03 + 59.76) = 139.79
9. Deelyo - Cardinals + Pittsburgh Pirates (59.06 + 64.49) = 123.55
10. geekor - Montreal Expos + Braves (76.05 + 64.97) = 141.02
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68

You got me back Bombers!! I was soooo hoping the Dodgers would fall to me!!

Someone needs to fill in the Royals salary for me...I'm at work and can't access the SOM site...only these message boards. Thanks!
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Postby LMBombers » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:56 am

1. Zimharry- New York Mets (97.38)
2 .LatorreR - Boston Red Sox (75.79)
3. CATom - California Angels (79.54)
4. visick- Toronto Blue Jays (71.33)
5. Madigan33 - Houston Astros (91.27)
6. keyzick - Detroit Tigers + Royals (74.84 + 49.87) = 124.71
7. LMBombers - NY Yankees + LA Dodgers (80.93+ 65.95) = 146.88
8. BigLeo - San Francisco Giants + Baltimore O's (80.03 + 59.76) = 139.79
9. Deelyo - Cardinals + Pittsburgh Pirates (59.06 + 64.49) = 123.55
10. geekor - Montreal Expos + Braves (76.05 + 64.97) = 141.02
11. Fleegle76 - Phillies + Padres = (77.23 + 61.62) =138.85
12. AF Dickie - Reds + Indians (71.49 + 58.19) = 129.68
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby LMBombers » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:00 am

[quote:1f09cf54d9="keyzick"]You got me back Bombers!! I was soooo hoping the Dodgers would fall to me!! [/quote:1f09cf54d9]

Yeah I had to weigh my options of either going for Alfredo Griffin (OAK) for a SS, Texas which looked promising or LA to get an instant top notch rotation. I decided that the rotation would help me more than the SS would. :D The other Dodgers don't really help me that much. Well actually the catchers do help as well.
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