Your opinions wanted:
So I haven't decided on the right rule to dissuade managers in no-salary-cap leagues (Live Draft leagues) from continuously using the free agent pool before every series to play matchups, since there's otherwise no penalty for making transactions. There's major problems with going with the simplest ideas of imposing season-long transaction limits or periodical allotments (tell me if you need me to elaborate), but I've hit upon one idea I really like, and think would be desirable as an option in salary cap leagues.
Basically, when you pick up a free agent after the season has started, he must stay on your team for a minimum of 15 games. Most obviously, this would deter you from going to the well too often to play matchups if your acquisitions had to stay on your team for 5 series. But additionally, I would advocate this rule as an [i:6d5715c993]option[/i:6d5715c993] for salary cap leagues as well, because it would also stop those newbies who always flip half their team after a 3-8 start.
Note that I would not make this rule affect trades between teams, because you could not freely use trades to play matchups. If you do, then that's against our Fair Play policy and then we just kick you out. By the way, shortly I will place text on transaction pages to make it [i:6d5715c993]very clear[/i:6d5715c993] that foul play will not be tolerated.
So what do you think? Is 15 games the right number? I think 12 is a bit too few and 18 is unnecessarily high. Do you have a much better idea that's easy for the layman to understand and for me to implement? The first Live Draft/no cap leagues start their seasons on Monday so I need to install ASAP. I know - I'm flying by the seat of my pants but I'm doing what I can.