Opinions: min. tenure for free agents

Postby toshiro » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:29 pm

Perhaps the theoretical problem wouldn't be as much as an actual problem?

The talent pool of a no cap league shrinks up--everyone has 4mil bench players. Same for SPs. If someone tossed a guy into the pool, once everyone got saavy, I think the guy they tossed might get snapped up pretty quick, so the strategy would be thwarted. To boot, in 86, there are no 'Shea split' stadiums, so fewer teams playing with a distinctive slant would reduce the need/desire to flip FAs for match ups. Just throwing that out there.

Is the concern here strictly based on theoretical problems or is the actually occurring in some leagues so far?
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Postby yankeefan1222 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:37 pm

15 is good
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Postby thuggis » Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:21 pm

I agree with Toshiro--all of the top '86 matchup guys (e.g., Spilman, Espinoza, Lawless) will be long gone after the draft. The talent pool in a no-cap league is just too deep me to see how that strategy would work.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:45 am

Reposting this from the ATG Forum...

I would never ever play a $200mil team or a no salary cap team so take this with a grain of salt, but...

Seems like a good idea. I don't really this it would be as big of a problem in 200X or 1986 because there is a finite amount of players available, and there is no restriction for keeping a bench of all starting calaber players, as long as they are available. There's only the roster size restriction. But in ATG it could be a huge problem.

PLEASE don't implement this on the "normal" (60/80/100) leagues, I don't think it is necessary. Perhaps some reconsideration of the maximum roster move rule (the number now is so unrealistically high that I doubt anyone has ever come up flush against it...)
Play By The Rules
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Postby Valen » Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:07 am

I would say making a provision so that once a player is dropped from a team he cannot be picked back up by that team again the rest of the season. No way I am dropping an important player if I know I cannot get him back later. 15 games or even more for that matter would be little or no deterrent to me. Most everyone goes with a 24 man roster in cap leagues and many would scratch by with 23 and some less. That means for practical purposes if you have no platoons and a small core pitching staff 4 to 6 flexible roster spots to play with. No big deal tying one of those up for a week if it means beating a key opponent. And given the number of roster sequences where you face the same team 2 or 3 times in a single week likely would keep said targeted pickups a few days anyway.

Of course in reality I would do none of the above as flipping roster throughout season is too much work, especially if I have multiple teams going. After all I have enough trouble remembering to return guys to starting lineup after an injury.

Besides, I expect a much bigger problem is going to be people teaming up and making lopsided trades. I have seen this in one of my 86 200 mil leagues where a guy traded 30+ mil of players for 10 mil of return. The best player he gave up was not as good as the worst player he received. I did not lodge any kind of official complaint because it was after all a free team so no money out of my pocket. I just figured that was a wasted league and went and started another team. But I would have been ticked if I had wasted $25 to have no chance of winning because of that. I suspect with no salary assignments that situation will be more prevelant
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