Thanks for setting the league up. I have some questions>
The non-serpentine drafts are based on the [i:14ef7199ba]previous seasons record.[/i:14ef7199ba][color=blue:14ef7199ba] Is it best record to worst record or worst record to best record? [/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]Worst to first NFL style.[/color:14ef7199ba]
In the prospect drafts- [i:14ef7199ba][color=blue:14ef7199ba]only those players with no MLB experience[/i:14ef7199ba]. Does that mean never played in the majors, no at bats, no innings pitched ever in the majors? [/color:14ef7199ba]Or, is it someone with no SOM card? Is a prospect -for this years draft- someone who never had a major league at bat prior to this season, but [i:14ef7199ba]could[/i:14ef7199ba] be playing now in 08. Or never had a major league at bat or pitch before the actual free agent draft?
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]Correct. only those with no MLB expierience whatsoever. That's true for every prospect draft. The idea is to draft minor leaguers. [/color:14ef7199ba]
And, in this case, for example, [color=blue:14ef7199ba]Mark Prior can't be drafted, right?[/color:14ef7199ba] He has played in the majors, but does not have an 07 card. He is not a prospect, either.
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]Correct , he is not eligible for either the initial draft this year or the prospect draft. He would be eiligible in future years. The first year draft is unique in that it holds to the no card = not eligible rule, in future years, anyone with experience will be eligible in the spring draft.[/color:14ef7199ba]
[i:14ef7199ba][color=blue:14ef7199ba]Prospects can be activated and promoted to the major leaage roster during the season[/color:14ef7199ba][/i:14ef7199ba].
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]True, but there must be room. So the only way for this to happen is unbalanced trade that leaves you with less than 40 active players.[/color:14ef7199ba]
[i:14ef7199ba][color=blue:14ef7199ba]It also says that players on the 40 man roster cannot be released in order to promote a prospect while the season is in progress.[/color:14ef7199ba] [/i:14ef7199ba] - unless there is room on the roster.
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]Also true, the only way you will get room on the roster is an unbalanced trade[/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=blue:14ef7199ba]But, the rules say that you miust always have a 40 man roster [/color:14ef7199ba](unless there is an unbalnced trade situation) Can you clarify that?
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]Actually it says no [b:14ef7199ba]MORE[/b:14ef7199ba] than a 40 man roster, it is okay to have less than 40 through unbalanced trades.[/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=blue:14ef7199ba]And, prospects can only be on the major league roster if they have a SOM card and they can not have a SOM card unless they played in the majors. [/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]I don't know where you got this from. You can only draft your initial 40 man roster from players given a card by the TSN SOM engine. There are players who have cards in the board came, that were not given cards in the TSN version of the game. Examples include Jacoby Ellsbury and Nyjer Morgan, that will not be eligible to be drafted this year in either the inital draft or the prospect draft. They will be eligible to be drafted in next years free agent draft.
However prospects do not need to have a card to be promoted to the 40 man roster. All you need is the available space on your roster. So why would you promote an uncarded player to your 40 man roster? Remember you only have the rights to a prospect as a prosepct for 2 years. After 2 years you have to either promote him or release him. [b:14ef7199ba]He does not have to have a card to be promoted. [/b:14ef7199ba] It does not say that anywhere in the rules. The only stipulation about having cards is for draft eligibility for the first draft.[/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=blue:14ef7199ba]So, how would you promote a prospect during the season?
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]I don't expect this will happen at all in year one. If you think about it there's no reason to do it and all it would do is trim your roster from a possible 42 players ( 40 "major league" and 2 prospects) to 41.[/color:14ef7199ba]
Would it be that the prospect is from season one and now has a card in season two? [color=blue:14ef7199ba]If that is the case, why wouldn't the prospect be on the 40 man to begin the year? [/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]Because you as the manager get to make that decision, I"m not gonna force it on you :wink: . Jacoby Ellsbury is a perfect example from this years set. In other keeper leagues I'm in, he was drafted as a prospect last year. He has a card in the board game, however TSN excluded him because his basr is so good. Now if he was automatically promoted, then manager that owns him would only have 39 carded players to use and everyone else would have 40. Without promotion he's still allowed to have a full roster of 40 carded players if he so chooses.[/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=blue:14ef7199ba]The supplemental drafts? These are players who have a SOM card AND were not drafted in the first 480 players, right?[/color:14ef7199ba]
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]Correct, it's a way to get a jump start on the next season and add a little spice between season's one and 2 of a given card year. Because MLB will have started playing, ther will be some guys who were not drafted in out initial draft, that may be usful for the following year. A good examples for last year were Heath Bell and Brian Bannister. Both guys were undrafted at the begining of the season, but by the time we'd played through season 1 and it was clear that they would have useful cards for the following season.[/color:14ef7199ba]
Thanks for clarifying.
[color=darkblue:14ef7199ba]No problem, keep the questions coming.[/color:14ef7199ba]