I need help.
I am an addict.
This afternoon I reached rock bottom.
In my first 15 seasons, I win 4 titles. I'm hooked.
In my 16th season a 99 win team gets swept to end the season and loses in the semis. I hate my life.
Season 17 went miserably down the stretch and was put out of its misery at game 162.
Season 18 is going down the drain quickly.
Season 19 is off to a good start and I know it's merely a tease.
Season 20 is horrid so far and getting worse.
Gene Garber is putting out fires with napalm.
I decided this morning "I'm through". I can't take this any longer.
This afternoon I come home to pre-season team #21 and spend half an hour wondering how I can parlay Bake McBride into Barney McCoskey without sacrificing Willard Hershberger.
I am the Moody Mets and I am a Strat addict.
Thank you.