by Ninersphan » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:04 pm
[quote:f88f45a2b0="braycon"]Sorry - still here, just very busy.
I'm still trying to figure out how all this is going to work with the Strat-O engine - which makes trade talks more difficult, but I'll get there - and I'm not sure I'm following this prospect discussion at all. Why would I be interested in trading any of my picks this year for your second next? I could understand if you were talking next year's [i:f88f45a2b0]first[/i:f88f45a2b0] - although I believe you're likely to do very well and we're talking a low-pick. Am I missing something?
Also, I want to make sure I understand that you can move a prospect to your 40-man roster at any time and keep him there indefinitely (whether he gets carded or no), but if he can only be on the 10-man prospect roster for 2 years. So, you do have the ability to think long-term here, but you're going to have to be willing to sacrifice a spot on your 40-man to do so, right?
I'm always willing to talk trade and soon I might even be able talk intelligently.[/quote:f88f45a2b0]
Not sure why you think the engine makes trade talks difficult, explain what you mean by that. I'm in 3 other keepers just like this and there isn't any problem so I'm curious what you think the problem is.
Why would you want to trade prospect picks for free agent picks?, Because a free agent pick from next year is absolutely guaranteed to be on your 40 man roster, have a card and be available to you.
There is no guarantee with a prospect. Lets take Price for example, great prospect, but when does he get a card? He could blow out his arm tomorrow and need surgery and not pitch for 2 years. Prospects are risky.
Basically I'm giving you a shot at a guaranteed player next year for the possiblity of one for me, that's the upside. And next years free agent draft will be the best in any year going forward because of the restriction on players like Ellsbury. this year.
Besides who said that was a final offer, don't you guys know how to negotiate?? :wink:
I throw these things out there to get trade conversations started, doesn't mean that's all I'm willing to deal. Hell, last year I gave up my number 1 pick in the free agent draft this year (wound up being no. 10 overall) for 2 prospects picks last year (That league had the exact same rules as this one, just started a year earlier.) So maybe you can talk me into giving up my 1, but the talk has to start somewhere. I'm just putting out feelers, just doesn't seem like anyone wants to do anything. :cry:
As to the prospect movement, there has to be an opening on your roster, you can't drop a guy midseason to promote a prospect. The only time you are likly to have an opening is after an unbalanced trade where you get less players in return ( a 2 for 1 deal) or at the start of a free agent or supplemental draft, where you can cut players. It shouldn't be a big deal, as you can keep up to 10 guys for 2 years (I get the headache of keeping track of when a guy needs to get promoted or cut :shock: and I'll let you know.)
Otherwise this statement you made:
[quote:f88f45a2b0]So, you do have the ability to think long-term here, but you're going to have to be willing to sacrifice a spot on your 40-man to do so, right?[/quote:f88f45a2b0]
Is absolutely, completely, 100% correct. :D
:D :D
Oh and thanks for the compliment on my team. I really didn't build it with the intetion of being competitve this year, I was looking more long term, but as things progressed I realized that you may be right and it should be pretty good this year.
Last edited by
Ninersphan on Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.