by RICHARDMILTER » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:15 pm
You have a good point. However there is no plan that is going to please everyone. And besides the managerial ratings are already bias to those who spend more money. And I do not have a major problem with that since TSN and SOM are businesses out to make a profit.(That is what businesses should do.) I just want to receive credit for all my 1986 seasons eventually because I have spent MANY hours on them, and I am starting to do well. So you can call me selfish or vain,but that is my agenda, and if I have to purchase more teams to get it accomplished than alright! I would keep buying teams anyway, because I love this game. I just want a little credit for all my teams. I realize not everyone will like this proposal, but you can't please everyone all the time. There are rarely perfect plans. I would be happy with any plan that gives us credit for more 1986 seasons!
Uncle Milte