by NEILKAHN » Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:49 am
In order to avoid missing out on frenzies, let me suggest these tips for the savvy GM. Start your date night early. Incorporate wine into the repast, and if this is not having the desired soporific effect, by about 10 PM, trank 'em. I suggest Ambien, or another of the shorter acting sleepers...less hangover the next day, and will not interfere with their completing whatever chores you might have in mind for them. It is colorless, tasteless, and odorless when mixed into liquids. After a long week, this should have them asleep by 11PM, leaving ample time to assemble your team, and participate unimpeded in the frenzy. Also, the use of one of the medications aiding in erectile function can be a useful adjunct. Not that this would be technically necessary for the typically virile and extraordinarily manly individuals who tend to participate in this hobby, but it increases one's sexual efficiency. Less down time allows one to complete the marathon expeditiously, again with the goal being to wear them out early, and free one to be available for the frenzy. And stay tuned to these message boards for other useful life strategies to make your on line SOM experience more enjoyable.