A Proposal for the 1986 Manager Ratings

Postby durantjerry » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:02 pm

Only thing to do is to have a 1986 Tourney. Three leagues, winner gets to proclaim himself "King of the Hill". That would be a good name for it I think.
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Postby coyote303 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:56 pm

This suggestion (buy one, get credit for an additional old one) has merit and is a reasonable compromise. I have no problem if they implement it even though I only played one 1986 team myself.

On the other hand, keep in mind that counting [i:6eb4435236]any[/i:6eb4435236] 1986 is already a compromise. So if TSN does not make this or other adjustments, it's not as if they weren't willing to make a compromise.

I sympathize with managers who spent a great deal of time with their multiple 1986 teams. However, no doubt there were many who did not actively manage some or all of their 1986 teams because they were overwhelmed with sheer numbers.

There are also others (who might not even have that many 1986 teams) who didn't like how their draft went, didn't like how their team was playing, or simply tried it and lost interest. For example, in my lone league the team that is closest to mine in my division told me he hadn't even looked at this team since early on.

In conclusion, I suspect their are many absent managers in the free 1986 leagues for a variety of reasons. Should winning in a free 1986 league count as much on that basis alone?
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:42 pm

Wining a championship is wining a championship! When I was a beginner I had to play against guys who had managed 100s if not 1000s of teams in this format. I did not quit on ANY of my 1986 teams, and I would really appreciate some credit for the work put in. What TSN is saying is if we do not pay it does not count????? And by the way ,.... I have purchased 6 premium team credits since the end of the 1986 free teams. So I support TSN and SOM ,and I will continue to do so. However it would be nice to receive some credit for the teams I have in the playoff hunt!
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Postby dennisfs561 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:08 pm

Maybe if us regulars, that pump a fair amount of money into this game, keep the issue front and center.... Bernie might see the light (or get tired of our bitc_ing) , relent, and count our teams as we were told they would be before we drafted them and put all our effort into managing them well. [b:64e35e55c6]Also...what's up with the change of our 5 counted teams from our 1st 5 to our last 5!!??[/b:64e35e55c6]

That said, I am gratefull for the free teams. The 5 teams was a fair compromise(though I still think they should all count)... I am just pissed that things have changed again without any warning or explanation.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:29 pm

Yeah, I do not understand which 5 teams of mine they are counting. Because, of my first five only one has made the playoffs, and that is not showing on my record. And for my last five teams; they are a combined 66 games OVER .500. However it says my combined 1986 record is something like 6 games below .500, with zero teams in the playoffs. So I have absolutely no idea which teams they are counting. Maybe they just decided to count my five worst teams because of my complaining. But even though I am complaining a little ,I want everyone to understand that; I am grateful for the free teams, and will continue to spend money here! I am just airing my grievance. I hope they decide to just let all our teams count, and move on. Although I am sure this would not make everyone happy. You can not please all of the people, all of the time.
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Postby dennisfs561 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:50 pm

I hear you. I ,like you, do not want to come off as a complainer... but come on Bernie, just count all the 86 teams.

At 1st I thought, ya it will unfairly skew the ratings....but the more I think about it, the more I think "BS". What is the different between this and someone putting up $400- 500 a month. NOTHING--- few people can afford that, and few people went apesh_t with the 86 freebie. If anything, counting the 86 teams is fairer because it takes money out of the equation, is purely performance based, and everyone had access to the same thing.
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Postby DizandMiles » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:02 am

I too am confused - my first 1986 team to finish the season made the playoffs - but there is no record of it - again - I would probably pay to have my other two teams "liberated"
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Postby keyzick » Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:52 am

Funny thing is...there is no combination of any 5 of my '86 teams that comes to the total number of games listed in the ratings :roll:

Must just be a glitch, not an intentional thing...(I hope) :?
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Postby dennisfs561 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:13 pm

What is maddening is the lack of response to this issue. I have e- mailed TSN at stratomatic@sportingnews.com, and posted in this forum.. to no avail.

I am tempted to post in the ATG forum(the only one Bernie seems to read), but I am sure I'll get flamed for posting 86 stuff there.

As to which teams... it seems to be my last 5. Though the wins and loses are off by 1 each.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:23 pm

We all seem to be having the same problems and concerns. Let's hope they can address our issues' and count ALL OF OUR TEAMS. What would be the problem with that?
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