Post-Mortem First 2007 Team

Post-Mortem First 2007 Team

Postby paul.czarnecki » Tue May 06, 2008 1:48 pm

I normally do pretty well with my first team of the year. But this year was an exception. :shock:

Any feedback on why this team was so bad?
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Postby visick » Tue May 06, 2008 2:47 pm

I'm thinking you were in a division with some hitting parks because that's an awful lot of HR's given up by your SP.
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Postby paul.czarnecki » Wed May 07, 2008 7:59 am

I've usually won championships with cheap closers set on maximize.

And, yes, the other three teams in my division were playing in hitters parks. The funny thing about this team was, most everyone hit well, we just didn't score many runs. And Carmona had an ERA above 5.00 well into the second half of the season.
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Postby cwhug » Mon May 12, 2008 12:53 pm

As I am home sick today after eating a "Detroit Coney", I'll give you my $0.02....

Your OPB might have been pretty good overall, but Rodriguez, Wigginton and McDonald were real dead spots in the line-up; all under .287 and McDonald @ .234. Ouch.

On the pitching side, might have been better off taking that $5.37 mil you spent on Heath Bell and getting some better starters than Washburn and Arroyo. Carmona has done the same thing for me in the two '07 leagues I've done so far, decent ERA and WHIP, crap record. Stupid Indians.

Your defence didn't help with either. I avoid 4's at all costs and I'm sure Wigginton at 3B didn't do you any favors, neither did the 3's or 4's at the corner outfield spots.
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Postby keyzick » Mon May 12, 2008 3:42 pm

Carmona is the most cursed pitcher in the set...I have no idea why. I have had him on a couple teams and he's posted 5.00+ ERAs on both.

In leagues where I don't have him, he still seems to get shelled on other people's teams as well....very weird.
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