OT: Hey Old Timers, Had a Question

Postby blue turtle » Tue May 06, 2008 4:13 pm

I thought it was one of the most entertaining threads these forums have produced. The Nicole days, yep I remember them well!
blue turtle
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Postby Naturaldoc » Tue May 06, 2008 6:03 pm

Oh, no! Let sleeping dogs lie. Next thing you know people will be bringing back stories about RichCranium. :shock:
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Postby JKolak » Thu May 08, 2008 8:05 am

RichCranium and the good old White Plains NY gang!!! Now you are really bringing back those fond memories of the early days NaturalDoc! Way to go! I still remember the first board controversy was with a manager whose label was "Child Molestor". He really got into it on the boards on everything! He claimed his member name was an outgrowth of the clergy sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. That guy was one foul bird!

Penngray was playing too much StratOMatic and not doing not enough work. I believe Mrs. Penngray is a professor at a college in Florida. I would imagine she started thinking that Doug (Penn's real first name) was playing a bit much and posting a bit much too.
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Postby JKolak » Thu May 08, 2008 8:09 am

Arryl Tremaine should be given credit for the creation of "The Bullpen" although it looks like the more controversial topics have found their way into "The Podium" and "The Smack Room". AT called it...oh I forget the exact name, hope AT sees this, it was a thread with "Rolling Dice" as part of its title. Eventuall Bernie and company allowed us to vote on what to name a new part of the boards. The result was the soon-to-be then infamous "The Bullpen".
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Postby JKolak » Thu May 08, 2008 8:13 am

As far as the "Nicole" impact went, "Bickel's Bombers" a good StratOMatic friend of Nicole, dropped out of sight and resurfaced with the board name "Play By The Rules". Bickel is a jazz musician and served one time as a music professor at a school in New Orleans although he left that post before Hurricane Katrina hit. Bickel outed himself in an appeal to the Community to help out New Orleans. It was then he informed us that he had changed his board name to "Play By The Rules" as a direct result of the whole "Nicole" controversy.
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Postby Great Unwashed » Thu May 08, 2008 8:53 am

Ah, the memories! I can't believe how long checking Strat scores has been a part of my morning routine.

I was in a few leagues with Nicole, but I was never emotionally attached to her like some others were. It was an amazing saga when it all hit the fan. And Rich Cranium! It became a witch hunt for collusion. If there was even a hint that you might be in a league with somebody you new outside the site they would be all over you crying foul.
Great Unwashed
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