Hometown Theme League - Full

FA Draft Order

Postby Ducapa » Mon May 19, 2008 9:11 pm


Okay, I finished up the rest of the total records and here is the draft order.
djl & geekor are tied for 11 at 184. For a tiebreaker, I have chosen a number between 1-100, closest wins 11th. I will pm the number to one other.

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
8. Frank M- (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
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Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Mon May 19, 2008 9:42 pm

if the max number of FA's is 8.. and we are only having a one round draft..then that little discussion on whether the league should be set up a frenzy or waivers is a little more important than I thought..

I would think that setting it up as a waiver league is better and would make sure the remaining FA's are spread around the league than taking the risk of one or maybe two teams being able to pick up 4-8 really good players from the FA pile through a quick frenzy .. .. ???
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Postby Misterg78582 » Mon May 19, 2008 10:05 pm

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers --- prince fielder --- mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
8. Frank M- (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
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Postby Ducapa » Mon May 19, 2008 10:06 pm

Good point, I was only thinking that there was no real fair way to setup the waiver order, but at least it prevents one early bird team getting all the best FAs. How exactly would the waiver order work? If we all put 25 players from out franchises, would the team that drafts the most expensive players get the last pick? I guess that would be weighted waivers?
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Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Mon May 19, 2008 10:23 pm

weighted averages might make a difference.. but not a whole lot.. but still fairer than an open frenzy given the format

but the good neews it that the draft has started !
:D :D
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Postby geekor » Mon May 19, 2008 10:25 pm

ummm... 23
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Postby Ducapa » Mon May 19, 2008 10:33 pm

Weighted it is.....I am out. I usually checkin for a minute in the early am, but its blocked at work so I wont be back on until after 5pm...alos have a nephews bday tomorrow night so won't beon frequently tomorrow. Happy Picking...splinter is up!

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - [b:43f8eeac06]Prince Fielder - mil.[/b:43f8eeac06]
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
8. Frank M- (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
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Postby geekor » Mon May 19, 2008 10:37 pm

I have O Cabrera available, come on a decent hitting 1 at SS!

Looking for a SP...

or an improvement (ie I give you my guy also) at C (Napoli), 2b (Matsui), CF (Taveras) 1b (I've never liked Helton :P)
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Postby the splinter » Tue May 20, 2008 7:09 am

I'm here....trying to work a deal or 2 before I pick.
the splinter
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Postby the splinter » Tue May 20, 2008 7:10 am

Have we clarified the stadiums issue???
the splinter
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