OK, 2007 has been out awhile..It's that time for us scab league nuts to do an 07'.. We've all experimented with the cheapo guys now test your skill against the scab league guru's (myself EXcluded)..LOL Got a cheapo favorite player that you don't really use in the regular leagues because he just is not quite good enough..Make him the stud of your team in this league...Make as many platoons as possible to take home the trophy or stick with your stud .50 center...You get the idea...Come and join me in a zanny, unpredictable league...If you don't like to chatter in the league mail, "Don't" sign up in this one...That is the best part in these leagues. Here are the rules:
2007 Player pool--Only players with a salary of 2 mil or less are eligible to play---This IS a DH league---There will be a 5 round serpentine draft right here on the thread and each manager must select 2 pitchers/2 hitters and a ballpark (No duplicates) with their 5 picks. You may select your hitter/pitcher/ballpark in the order of your preference. Lotto for draft ranking the night this league fills...and since we're playing a scabs league we'll say LOW to HIGH for draft order....Once the 5 round draft is over the remainder of your team will be selected in the auto draft mode. There are no roster limits so you can max out if you want to make a bunch of platoons....This league will be set up as a 200 mil cap only because there is no minimum salary requirements but you will have a free reign with the money make as many moves as you want you won't run out of money. Please enter your lotto state when entering. Div alignment will be 1-2-3-4 in the east, 5-6-7-8 in the central and 9-10-11-12 in the west.. Come on and join us for one of the most entertaining leagues you'll ever be in. :lol:
1. Pelzer--OK
2. LMBombers--