I appreciate your input/thoughts. In previous versions of this theme, I've found very little trading so I didn't see a need to require a certain number of players. I understand your concerns-however, to implement any additional restrictions could easily raise other issues. I'd like to stick with the original rules. One way of looking at this is that each of us started with players from 2 teams-what owners do with their players is their call. If they feel they can best leverage their assets by trading them, that's their call. I think both parties involved in a trade feel they received value in the deal. The trades thus far seem to fit needs and with some of the high value teams, I suspect there will be more trades as owners try to fill out their rosters-it's kind of interesting that inexpensive back ups become a very valuable commodity-an owner who had the forestight to stockpile them can turn them into a contributor. To me, this is all part of the strategy. However, I do understand your concerns and would probably implement some kind of limit for future leagues. To be fair to everyone who signed up based on the current rules, I'm going to leave things as descrbed in the original posting.