
Postby errormagnate » Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:45 am

I can get on these boards !!!!!!!!!!!!!! From work but not from home..
I left proxies for Round 4 with Leo/Wraith who was kind enough to actually help instead of whining.
The first delay was clearly my own fault, the last one was NOT.
Anyway hopefully we can all get it done, our teams made up and play ball.
The part I had any control over, I apologize for delay, the rest perhaps we all need to be a little more understanding.
Steve :roll:
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Postby Rocket05 » Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:10 am

Probably most of us have never done anything like this before. The fact that this past weekend was on a holiday didn't help matters. Everybody has a life. (well OK, some of us have a life!) Everybody has different expectations on how quickly we should get done with the draft. I can only speak for myself, but perhaps some people might be overly anxious because they LOVE this strato thing and can't wait for their next draft pick. Kinda like a kid at X-mas! Anyway, I think if we ran this draft again, it would go much quicker and smoother.... I am hoping that we can get close to completing the draft today. That would leave tomorrow for finishing up the draft and we can start to enter our teams in the league.

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another 4 team league?

Postby nprud » Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:42 pm


I respectfully disagree. If we ever do another 4 team league, we WILL have the advantage of knowing how to do it. However, I don't think that will impact upon the frustrations of a super slow draft due to the periodic inavailability of various managers.

I'm afraid the draft would go just as slow next time also.

The only solution would be for everyone to leave their cell phone numbers with the commish and he could call people if they don't pick in an hour or so (to let them know it is their turn to draft).

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Postby GARYJEPSON » Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:36 pm

Nat e that is why I tried to leave my home phone number on here but I probably did it so long ago that nobody would see again now.

Myself I put it this under the live and learn policy.
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Postby Rocket05 » Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:37 pm

I didn't give any solutions to speed things up, because it is too late for this draft. But we would learn from our mistakes and do things differently next time. Right? In other words it WOULD go faster next time.

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Postby Rocket05 » Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:41 pm

Chops, it wouldn't hurt to post your cell phone # again. You can list mine too as an alternative if you want to.

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Postby KEVINGUSTAFSON » Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:55 pm

Hey guys...when we spoke of a new league, didn't we consider just doing a live draft via telephone or something? Nathan and Chops- what ever happened to that? Sounded like a good way to do it!
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Postby Assmeriten » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:08 pm

1. Schoeny - 53 Dodgers
2. Lte - 39 Yankees
3. Nate - 57 Braves
4. Rocket - 56 Yankees
5. M L R - 46 Red Sox
6. Gary C. - 40 Tigers
7. Fox - 40 Reds (by proxie)
8. Mighty Vol - 54 Indians by face to face
9. geekor - 46 Cards
10. Steve Ames - 59 WhiteSox
11. Assmeriten - 34 Cards (by proxie)
12. Wraith - 36 Giants

50 Phillies

Round 4

1. Wraith -29 Cubs
2. Assmeriten - 20 Indians
3. Steve Ames -
4. geekor -
5. Mighty Vol -
6. Fox -
7. Gary C. -
8. M L R -
9. Rocket -
10. Nate -
11. Lte -
12. Schoeny -

29 A's
27 Yankees
24 Senators
19 White Sox
15 Phillies
11 Giants
09 Tigers
09 Pirates
06 Cubs
03 Pilgrims

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Postby nprud » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:17 pm

I believe Wraith has Ames' 4th round pick (by prox)??
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Postby GARYJEPSON » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:36 pm

Phone number of chops 507-283-4838
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