[quote:8df2001f5f="he's meat"]didn't want to, but figured I had to grab mosely, and now apparently that was quite prudent...BUT...it cost me lots of meat off my roster, and we haven't even gotten to round three yet. fields and betemit gutted off my "yeah right, like you're gonna get ANY of these guys" roster. this is BRUT-AL....not even two rounds gone and slim pickens is cloning himself like a rabbit in heat. have betemit in the sluggers league, and he's going bananas. fields has actually always under achieved for me, but I always take him, that card is just to tasty to pass up, and in THIS league, he'll probably play both ways.[/quote:8df2001f5f]
Yeah, I have Betemit in some regular leagues as a platoon in hitter's parks and he has been a stud. I think I have tipped my hand on what type of team I'm building!