by LARRYLANG » Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:31 pm
Randy usually pops in and out on the site every day and evening....let's give him some slack, there must be something going on with him..This is the exact reason I am Against a time clock....This is a reliable guy and sometimes things happen with the job or at home etc...
Now, one thing we could do to speed it up is this....In my original post I stated that Div alignment would be 1-2-3-4 in East, 5-6-7-8 in central and 9-10-11-12 in the west...That was before we added the extra round so I would like to change the east and west so in the last round as soon as you make your pick you can go ahead and load...Wachovia, Doc, Terry, or pm770 would create the league then pass the password to the central. Don't forget it has to be a 200 mil league when you set up the league.
East: Wachovia, Doc, Terry101, pm770
Central: gstanis, meat, bombers, klx22
west: Ehlekev, thisisray, djl3737, Pelzer
Back to Randy, sure hope everything is ok buddy. Larry