by RICHARDMILTER » Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:08 am
I was invited to join this league if it is not to late. But I have never been in a theme, or concept league on this site. Also I have read the rules at the top of the post three times and I am still not sure if I understand them correctly. I am sure someone will fill the last spot before I can commit(my loss, but I can live with it better than getting my tuckus handed to me because I do not understand the rules, or accidentally break them)
Do you have to have one and only one player from EVERY MLB team? Is that the premise? Or can your roster change after draft day? If it is too much of a hassle to explain to my dumbass, don't sweet it! There will be other theme leagues to join, when I have my skills more honed.
I really,really want to join a keeper league someday soon. I will have to be more on the ball when it comes to learning about theme leagues. Sorry for the rant! If this league is not full by this weekend, I will join.