by MEAT » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:43 pm
cal, I hear ya, but it's not the hold ups I'm worried about aggrivating, although I surely don't want to go all meho or anything. if you're gonna be away, proxy up. i could easily load ten hopefuls in order of preference right now, in fact, if you guys ALL want to step aside for a few minutes, ive got an entire "dream" roster ready. what happens is what happened to you, those that like to check in frequently and enjoy the live draft process, and get frequent rushes of anger and joy at whose gone and whose still available, eventually figure its NEVER getting back to me and you stop checking in or proxying yourself, and one delay leads to another. end of sermon.
(p.s. Im one of those looneys, (now loneys) :roll: who thinks a draft is every bit or more fun than the games, and checks in whenever I can)