by emm9230 » Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:02 pm
[quote:3262439b83="lafayette1"]However, you have to eat that first game if you have a much weaker hitting bench player batting in the regular's spot in the lineup. If I normally bat my catcher third, I have to bat a much weaker hitter backup third, for the first game, in order to have my starter batting third for the rest of the series?
That's quite a penalty.[/quote:3262439b83]
HAL brings into the game who you designate as the 1st or if needed 2nd back-up during the game in which the starting player is injured.
Subsequent games, HAL will insert your back-up but will adjust the line-up(s) until your regular returns.
Leave your line-up as is, HAL will adjust the line-up game 1 and drop the weaker hitter down in the line-up and then when your starter returns, HAL goes with your original line-up assuming everyone is healthy.