by Ninersphan » Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:37 pm
[quote:d8a430a45c="kaviksdad"]That's one thing I've noticed about this league - everyone seems to value their own players so much higher than everyone else does. Trying to work a deal here is like trying to ski uphill :?[/quote:d8a430a45c]
Yeah I've seen a couple of examples of lopsided offers, probably wasn't to cool to call it out on the board though Keith. That's the kind of thing that can lead to bad feelings and animosity.
On a different note, I still haven't heard word 1 from either Dalinoth or Joe. I'm giving them until Wednesday of next week, but if they don't respond by then, think about peeps you might know in other leagues that may be willing to take over one of their teams.
[b:d8a430a45c]DO NOT[/b:d8a430a45c] make invitations yet, just make a mental note of who you think might fit in well with this motley crew. Then we can make a list and send out some invites if warrented.
I really don't want it to come to that, but I've sent them both notices through the message board, PM's league mail and E-mail, I don't know how else I should be expected to get them to respond. :shock: