by Leo / loob » Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:43 pm
By the theme, I'm guessing this is the invite league.....
Which means, there are 11 other TOUGH managers in this league. The rest of his division, is Astrodome(Penngray), Wrigley 59 and Forbes.
I do not think there are any, let alone enough, automatic HRs in this lineup.
With all those pitcher parks, I myself, would downgrade some of the SPers, not all, but some, and use 4-5 million in savings in the lineup somewhere (possibly LF). I really dont care for Kaline, especially in that division, his few BP homers are, essentially, auto outs.
Inspite of all that, as the current team stands. I figured its a .500 team because of the staff, and added 7-9 games for the clutch. Figuring that clutch will be a factor in 15 games, and you get clutch rolls around 50% of the time.
I voted 82-87