New Team. Opinions?

New Team. Opinions?

Postby dtpritch » Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:15 pm

This is my first time doing Strat-O-Matic. My team will play at Camden 07'. Im interested in hearing general opinions about my team. Waiver period just ended, but id like to know if there are any glaring holes or if I have set my team up for a successful season.

Lilly, Ted L S6* 2R 5.60M
Hamels, Cole L S7 E 4.96M
Halladay, Roy R S7* 2L 3.19M
Matsuzaka, Daisuke R S6* E 2.31M
Litsch, Jesse R S6 5R 1.34M
Bell, Heath R R2/C1 4R 5.37M
Embree, Alan L R1/C4 3L 2.51M
Reyes, Al R R1/C5 6R 2.12M
Bale, John L R2 E .85M
Slaten, Doug L R1 2L .56M
Paronto, Chad R R2/C0 2R .52M

Hitters (14)
Mauer, Joe L C 2(-3)e1 2R 4.71M
Olivo, Miguel R C 4(-2)e6 2L .83M
Teixeira, Mark S 1B 1e7 1L 7.56M
Konerko, Paul R 1B 3e6 3L 4.61M
Aurilia, Rich R 1B 3e8 1R .74M
Phillips, Brandon R 2B 1e8 4L 6.92M
Miles, Aaron S 2B 3e12 E .67M
Beltre, Adrian R 3B 1e20 1L 5.13M
Furcal, Rafael S SS 2e23 2L 1.36M
Izturis, Cesar S SS 2e18 5R .79M
Ramirez, Manny R LF 4(-1)e3 4L 4.20M
Granderson, Curtis L CF 2(+1)e6 9R 7.05M
Taguchi, So R CF 4(+1)e7 1L .90M
Francoeur, Jeff R RF 1(-4)e5 1L 4.86M

Dustin Pritchard
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby geekor » Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:29 pm

Well it's not that it's a bad team, but just some money choices that arne't the wisest. like using 3 * sp's, the best $$ would be get a 4th * and then get a better closer. I love Bell as a setup guy though.

Also, I'd get a better DH, someone who cream Righties better, as typically you will face only 25%-30% LHP, and your team is geared to hitting LHP better right now. I'd want a DH better than Konerko at hitting RHP.

Also we could comment better if we knew your userid of the team by posting a proper link. This would be:

go to statistics -> team -> click on your team and post that URL. It should have a ?userid=xxxx at the end of the URL where xxxx is a number.
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Postby dtpritch » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:16 pm

Ok I made a few changes. let me know what you think. here is the url...
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Postby fred_1_15301 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:09 pm

It seems like most of your starting pitchers are geared towards shutting down lefties but you are in a park that favors righties. I would think that you want the majority of your starting pitchers to favor more strongly against righties. Also Lilly is a nice value but maybe not as the ace in your park. Most of the batters he'll face will be righties. I think Soriano will get creamed in your park as he gives up too many bp hrs. Your offense and defense are ok but I think you could use a few more right handed bats with a lot of bp hrs (#).
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Postby geekor » Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:26 pm

Man both Lackey and Verlander are out there, you need to find a way to grab one of them to be your ace.

Also Corpas as you closer is a great great improvement for a lil more money. I'd then Substitute Rodney (no as in asap get him) plus hennesey and T Miller for your other 3 Rps. you then have Corpas as closer (amximize, avoid before 8th slow hook, avoid during blowouts), Bell as setup (avoid before 6th slow hook) and Henensey and Miller both avoid before 7th, quick hook, avoid bad side, max 1-2 innings. leave Rodney unchecked to get the rest, that will be good enough. If you REALLY worry that isn't enough grab another under 2 mil RP, like Frasor or Casilla.

I love Loney in this set, really he's my fav 1b by far. But in dropping Granderson you lost your leadoff hitter vs R and got worse Def. Though Upton makes a decent #2 hitter, whose leading off? Where is the OBP in front of the sluggers? Unfortunately, I don't see any of my usual leadoff guys around, the best Isee is Lewis (unless you grab Granderson again).

And me personally, though Francour has great def and cannot be injured, I take offense over that anyday. I'd much much prefer Kemp, Pence or Raburn in the RF slot over Francour.
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Postby AeroDave10 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:10 pm

I agree that you should try to get another starter to upgrade over Dice-K Gopher Ball, and get a solid closer instead of Gagne and Soriano, who are both shaky. Then pick up two 2 to 3 mil guys, one tough against lefties and one tough against righties. You don't need Loney and Teixeira as solid defensive 1B if one is going to DH. You lose a bit of $$ by putting a solid defender at DH. Ryan Braun, David Ortiz, and Travis Hafner are perfect examples of how to maximize $$ on a DH. You also need to drop Upton, a K machine, and get a better defender and leadoff hitter, though I'm not sure Granderson is the best answer. He's disappointed in a league I'm in. Lastly, I totally agree about Francouer. He will be very disappointing at the plate, and the defense and injury don't make up for it at all.
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Postby visick » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:20 pm

Geekor brings up alot of great points, you should heed his words.

My 2 pennies...

General stuff:
1. Try and go with $.50 subs to fill out your roster. (Aurilia/Miles and Izturis are the examples.) It's not alot of money that you'll save, but it starts to add up.

2. You can spend more money on the subs IF you have higher injury risk guys. ie. Mauer, with Olivo.

3. Play to win in your park. If you park favors righties, you need to shut them down, and visaversa.

4. Think DEFENSE up the middle, ie. SS/2B and CF in that order.

5. You should see about 75% RH's and you want lefties facing them.

6. Always keep in mind what your divisional parks are (pitching/hitting) as well as how many LHSP's you'll face.
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