The Original USKL -- TSN Version 2011 (Chat Room)

Postby cirills » Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:45 pm

[quote:b7b84f35d0]Any attempt to foil a trade between us, which is a fair compromise, is collusion plain & simple in my book.[/quote:b7b84f35d0]


You have got to be kidding. I posted last night that the Stadium Draft was to start today, made the draft page, and I get home to find that it had been changed?

AFD had NO RIGHT to try and trade his stadium at the last minute, so his offer was a non-factor.

I could care less if this had been you, or NP, KD, FD or whomever, or whether or not it was PNC, CNP, or PTT.

It's the principle of the thing.

If I am the ONLY one that sees it that way then maybe I really AM in the wrong league.

AND, if I am EVER labeled as colluding again, I am gone.
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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:57 pm

Sandy, the deadline was bogus. If AFDs change in status to LEAVING was accepted by you last night before the draft was started, then my change in status to LEAVING has to be accepted as well, because it was also submitted BEFORE the deadline (i.e. when the draft started, today)otherwise you are being prejudicial to me.

The question is, when is/was the deadline?

Also, you said AFD had no right to try to trade his stadium last minute. If that is true, then he also had no right to change the status to LEAVING. Just logic, right? You can't have it both ways.
Last edited by qksilver69 on Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cirills » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:02 pm

This is total bs imhfo. :x

[quote]The question is, when is/was the deadline?[quote:9173b37e5c]

Last night at midnight. Therefore your change was too late, but his is legal.

Does that make you feel better?

He didn't actually "change" his decision btw -- he simply clarified it before it was too late.

Just like with you, I would NOT have allowed it. If you can't see the distinction then I am sorry.[/quote:9173b37e5c]
Last edited by cirills on Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:06 pm

Hey man, I just want the same rules for everyone. If the deadline was fixed & not fungible, I'm fine with that, just tell us all what the real deadline was & hold us to it. Otherwise I think it's fair to assume that until the draft actually starts we ALL had the right to change our status.
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:07 pm

As I understood Sandy's post AFD was not allowed to change his status and is Keeping PNC.

Purely from a logical and semantical POV Sandy is right in all accounts Dave. Sorry. Not taking sides just pointing things out.

Have you noticed that Between Sandy and Qk we have our own "Larry David" as in Curb your Enthusiasm Larry David?

OK, I've interfered too much already. Bye, bye.

P.s. Is it me or as soon as I come back in fireworks fly?

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Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:07 pm

Okay, in an effort to play peace maker ( or maybe not) here's the timeline:

10:46am yesterday- AFD posts he's willing to trade PNC he's is the last to declre his stadium decision

12:55 pm Sandy posts "I'll take that as staying" and declares stadium draft starts tomorrow

1:07 pm Qk posts does NOT mention working on a deal for PNC, or even being interested

5:07 pm AFD declares he is leaving PNC and will draft a new stadium

1:41 am this morning qk posts with PNC available he wants to drop Shea and pick PNC with his first pick.

after that we have disucussion of the "Merits" of Angelina Jolie and much hilarity ensues.

I see both points on this one. I'm not sure what the deadline was for declaring stadium change, but once sandy stated that AFD was keeping PNC and we had an official draft start time, that should have been the end, and he should not be allowed to drop becuase his post came AFTER sandy's declaration of the draft starting. At which point it was reasonable to assume that there would be no more changes. I'd be more inclined to go the other way if qk, had mentioned in his post after AFD's that he was interested or working on a deal.

All that said I don't see it as a big deal and don't think it upsets the balance of power in the league to allow a trade to happen, BUT it is sandy's league and we should respect his authority to run it as he sees fit.

In future I would suggest that stadium drops be declared in reverse draft order that way the guy picking first KNOWS what everyone else is doing before he has to pick.
Of course you could also argue that the guy picking first should just drop anyway, cause if he doesn't like what's out there he can always re-draft his former stadium.

I'm sure this hasn't been any help at all, but just wanted to lay things out before tempers get to heated.

Might be to late. :cry:
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Postby cirills » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:16 pm

Thanks for helping me to clarify Bill.

Final answer (and new stadium draft) posted.

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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:36 pm

[quote:97df64d4c6]Of course you could also argue that the guy picking first should just drop anyway, cause if he doesn't like what's out there he can always re-draft his former stadium.

Duh, if I had even realized that I would be picking 1st here I could have avoided all this stuff. :?

And not to beat a dead horse, but where did we say last night at midnight? And was it midnight EST or PST? Please show me a prior post or email that states this specifically & I'll be happy to shut up, I just don't like moves (trades or drops, whatever) being inhibited due to what I believed to be an unspecified deadline.

Again, I'm fine for being held to deadlines as long as the deadlines were clear/posted and we ALL are held to the same standards. That's all I want. I seem to remember a similar argument in HCKL a while back in which I realized I was inadvertently holding 2 owners to 2 different standards, so we changed the ruling. Sandy I appreciate your reversal here on that basis.
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:44 pm

I think that this all could have been avoided if AFD had posted his stadium decision in a timely manner. It seems that most of these blowups we have are due to someone's not taking the time to honor their commitments to the other owners by staying involved - especially when we are drafting and dropping. If AFD had posted his stadium decision a couple of days sooner Qk either could have worked out a deal for PNC, or could have drafted it himself once the draft began.

So if we're shoveling blame out here there's plenty to go around. And I don't mean to single anyone out, because I'm just as guilty as anyone. I realize that real life interupts us every once in awhile, but a little communication can disarm most potential rough spots.

Now I'll go back to day dreaming about Angelina and her maginificent scenery...
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:51 pm

You want a beautiful image?

Think Angelina Jolie, Tomb Raider attire... in PNC park!

Oooww! I had to say it.


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