by cummings2 » Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:37 pm
I remember a team having a particularly impressive start -in my division mind you. Like 25-5 or something like that. Then the guy started "fine tuning" as he called it...because he wasn't getting enough production from his SS and C...eventually he traded and dropped about half the team...he ended up with a loosing record...came to the boards (Back in the old ones) and started this conpiracy theory stuff about he was stopped from winning by HAL/TSN :shock:
Ever since then I see him drop by every once in a blue moon in the "Help this team" threads and offer his "advise" which, needless to say, always starts by urging countless drops.
I don't know what to make of this, just thought of bringing up the fact that a lot of the fast starts-bad finishes come from that innevitable human quality: Greed.
Congrats on the great start! Hope it continues all the way through :D