What in the world is the language used in the inning-by inning breakdown at the bottome of every boxscore? I can't find it in the FAQ, and I've never seen "real" boxscores that have this stuff in it.
Here is an example inning:
0 G.Thomas 6 Walk b-1
0 1 E.Murray 6 Strike Out b-0
1 1 R.Santo 5 Walk 1-2 b-1
1 12 L.Piniella 3 Single 2-3 1-2 b-1
1 123 D. Flynn 4 Line Out b-0
2 123 K.Henderson 1 Ground Out b-0
What is all of that gobbledy gook before the player name, the single digit before the actual result, and the numbers and "b" s after the actual result? I figure it's related to someting like number of outs, advancing runners, lacation of the batted ball, or situational hitting, but I can't see the pattern. I thought maybe that digit before the result was a strat-o reference to the card column, but that doesn't seem to be the case when I look at the cards.