by Ninersphan » Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:15 pm
Some notes bofroe we begin the supplemantal and prospect drafts on how the trade between KD and Watts effects each of their rosters and their drafts.
As a result of the trade, KD's roster now stands at 36 active players. He was traded an active player and a prospect and traded away 2 active players. He is still [b:9a331cf0b2]only[/b:9a331cf0b2] allowed [b:9a331cf0b2]3[/b:9a331cf0b2] picks in the supplemental draft so his active roster, barring a promotion of a prospect or another unbalanced trade, will stand at 39 players until after next springs Free agent draft.
As a result of the trade watts' roster now stands at 38 active players therefore he will [b:9a331cf0b2]only [/b:9a331cf0b2]be allowed [b:9a331cf0b2]2[/b:9a331cf0b2] picks, 1 in each of the first 2 rounds of the supplemental draft. That will bring his active roster to 40. He is NOT allowed anymore cuts as he already cut 3 players, the maximum allowable under the league rules.
Also as a result of the trade Watts has only 1 prospect and KD has 3, this has NO EFFECT on the upcoming prospect draft as both are allowed 2 picks as they are both still under the 10 prospect maximum.
Any questions, please ask.