by kaviksdad » Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:16 am
Watts - I'm in full agreement with you.
However, it is Niner's league, and he's gone to Cape Cod this week and will be out of touch. Any call on replacements (we have 2 lined up in case we have to do it, btw) will have to be made by Niners.
That said, I don't see any problem with seeing what the rest of the league thinks about removing Braycon and getting a replacement. You are exactly right about the commitment issue - plus it's just good manners to let people know if you'll be unavailable for any length of time. There's no way to know if Braycon is on vacation, is sick (I hope not) or just bailed on us. And since it's been over a month since anyone's heard from him, I don't think talking about replacing him is premature.
So I say we talk it over amongst ourselves and decide if we want to keep Braycon in the league. Then when Niner's gets back we let him know what our feelings are.
Also, I think that having someone else make a pick for Braycon while we are deciding what to do is not a bad idea. I can find someone to make a proxy pick if you all think that's the right thing to do right now.