This makes no sense - bad move by HAL

This makes no sense - bad move by HAL

Postby teepack » Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:31 am

HAl's logic on injury replacements needs some work. I have Lance Berkman on a 2007 team, and he's the only first baseman on my roster. He went down for 3 games in the first game of a series last night, so HAL moved Eric Brynes, who doesn't play first, from left to first to replace Berkman, and then put Juan Pierre, who doesn't play left, into left field to replace Byrnes. So now I've got the worst possible defensive rating at 1B and LF. Why didn't HAL just put Pierre in to play 1B? Not only that, but he did it in the next two games as well, starting Pierre in LF and Byrnes in 1B. Is there any way for me to fix my lineup tonight to make sure that Pierre goes into play 1B and Byrnes stays in left?
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Postby Mean Dean » Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:35 am

There are "outfielder playing out of position" rules to cover this scenario; as it turns out under these rules, Pierre will have the same defensive rating in LF as he does in CF.
Mean Dean
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Postby teepack » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:27 pm

I thought I vaguely recalled that. Still, that makes him a 3 and Byrnes is a 2. Why not just leave Byrnes in left and put Pierre at 1B?
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:32 pm

Dean TCS said[quote:2fd273c594]There are "outfielder playing out of position" rules to cover this scenario; as it turns out under these rules, Pierre will have the same defensive rating in LF as he does in CF.[/quote:2fd273c594]

In the original SOM rules center fielders playing LF or RF have the same range and E-rating as they do in CF. But are you sure this is the case with the TSN SOM game??? I have always wondered about this rule. In other words can you put Grady Sizemore in left field and he will be a 1?
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Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:08 pm

This can be solved simply by having a B/U 1B on your roster. I 've seen people have no injury replacements at certain positions, but that's just not by cup of tea. Personally I think you should be required to have B/U's at all positions, unless it's an injury-proof guy of course.

Lastly, I don't think you can say "bad move HAL" if you don't have a B/U at 1B. Just my humble opinion of course.
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Postby Jerlins » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:37 pm

Happen to agree with Jeep here. You preferred to roll the dice by not having a backup for 1st. By doing so, it most likely strengthened your team in another area, perhaps a relief specialist that you otherwise might not have had had you chosen to have a back-up at each position covered. Could Hal have done a better job? Absolutely! But leaving it in his hands, rather than your own, is the risk you chose. If Berkman goes down again, expect the same.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:12 am

You have to give HAL the benefit of the doubt. HAL knows all. HAL noticed Byrnes placed 1B in little league and decided to go with experience at 1B in this situation. I think it's nothing short of brilliant!

What's weird is that of all the positions to not have a backup, 1B is the most unlikely, since it seems that about half the players have a 1B rating!

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Postby elpasopesos » Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:33 pm

I say it is your fault for not having a least one guy to back up
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