USKL3 chat thread

Re: cshannajr/watts trade

Postby Ninersphan » Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:45 am

[quote:df94014676="cshannajr"]this is what we finally agreed on:

cshannajr sends Michael Young/2009 1st round spring prospect pick/ 3rd round 2009 supplemental summer free agent draft pick to watts for 1st round summer 2008 prospect draft pick, 3rd round 2009 spring free agent draft pick and andy pettitte

watts to confirm.[/quote:df94014676]

Okay but bear in mind, watts is gonna have the same probelm next year,

the league rules for the supplemental draft are VERY clear:


2) All owners must announce their roster drops [b:df94014676][color=red:df94014676]( up to 3)[/color:df94014676][/b:df94014676] prior to the Supplemental draft.

3) Owners may draft no more than [b:df94014676][color=red:df94014676]3 players[/color:df94014676][/b:df94014676]; Owners are not required to draft any players during the Supplemental draft

6) The Supplemental Free Agent draft is only 3 rounds. Owners with less than a full roster may use the Supplemental Free Agent Draft to get back to a 40 man roster provided they can do it within 3 rounds. There will never be more than 36 picks made in the Supplemental draft.


So as the rules currently read, the only way watts can use your 3rd round supplemental pick NEXT year is to complete an unbalanced trade between now and then to make his roster stand at 39.

Look, I know it seems logical to just let watts make an extra drop to get the pick but right now the rules are NOT in place to do that. The max 3 drop rule for the supplemental draft is to ensure we don't pillage to many players for the following season's spring draft.

However, so long as we are only picking 36 players I could be persuded to change the rule effective next year, if you all are in agreement on it.

Basically the rule would read that when you trade away a supplemental draft pick you not only trade the pick but the rights to make a drop. So the player trading aay the pick can only make 2 drops and the player recieving the pick is aloowed to make 4.

LMK what you all think...

Oh and I still need [b:df94014676]watts[/b:df94014676] to confirm the new deal
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3rd round

Postby mwatson392 » Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:40 am

I will confirm it either way, In my other league, we replace players with picks. Where if i didnt want joes vidro, i could replace him with a pick. What happens if you have more than 3 guys get badley hurt or retire. I would keep the draft at 3.... but let people cut up to 5 b/c of trades and other issues..
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Re: 3rd round

Postby Ninersphan » Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:49 am

[quote:90382fef40="watts141"]I will confirm it either way, In my other league, we replace players with picks. Where if i didnt want joes vidro, i could replace him with a pick. What happens if you have more than 3 guys get badley hurt or retire. [b:90382fef40]I would keep the draft at 3.... but let people cut up to 5 b/c of trades and other issues.[/b:90382fef40].[/quote:90382fef40]

:?: :?: :?:

I don't understand how this would work. The idea is to keep 40 man rosters, if you cut 5 and only draft 3, that doesn't happen, so that can't work.

I also don't understand what the question is about badley hurt or retired players. How deos that matter between seasons? This isn't fantsay where if a guy retires now it affects your cards now. If a guys retires that's on your roster, you still get his card from his last season.

Remember you can cut up to 10 next spring. The only cut 3 applies to the supplemental draft only.

No offense watts, but have you read over the entire rules page on the front of the spreadsheets I keep sending out???
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Postby mwatson392 » Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:59 pm

So if I make a trade that puts me over the limit, Why cant i drop a player? Yeah we make cuts b4 the draft. Why cant we cut and those players cut can go into the next draft?? if I trade and end up with 41 players, I cut 1 guy and he goes in the next draft. That sounds easy enough?
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Re: ok

Postby Ninersphan » Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:14 pm

[quote:24311b6055="watts141"]So if I make a trade that puts me over the limit, Why cant i drop a player? Yeah we make cuts b4 the draft. Why cant we cut and those players cut can go into the next draft?? if I trade and end up with 41 players, I cut 1 guy and he goes in the next draft. That sounds easy enough?[/quote:24311b6055]

Because it lets you protect, even if only for a limted time, 41 players for the current draft and by doing so it limits the guys picking after you who may have wanted the player you are going to cut after the draft concludes. Surely you can see how unfair that is.

And I'm gonna ask again, have you read the rules? They PLAINLY state all over the place, roster maxed at 40. As I just explained above this is especailly important during a draft.
These are the rules you agreed to when you signed up.

Sorry if it seems like I'm being inflexible, but if we start making exceptions for you then I have to make them for everyone and it becomes a bookkeeping nightmare for me, more than it already is.

As it stands right now, I will put it to a vote to ammend the supp. draft rules to allow someone to pick four players if they aquire someone elses pick prior to drops being made, so assuming it passes ( and I don't know why it wouldn't) you'll get the pick next year.

anyone else wanna chime in???
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:41 pm

You know I can't keep my mouth shut :lol:

As a veteran of many of these type of keepers, I can assure everyone here that these rules are generally the same throughout all the leagues I'm in (5 and counting, over the past 4 years). The rosters limit are hard and fast rules in all of them.

The problem with Watts and Cshannajr is in the timing of their deal, not necessarily the deal itself. If they made this deal at any time other than draft time, there wouldn't be a problem - if someone's roster goes over the 40 man limit they just drop a player. Simple. The problem here is that the draft rules are also in play, and they take precedence.

Perhaps Watts and Cshannajr can wait to make their deal when the draft is over. Then any roster problems can be solved by a simple drop and not run into a draft rule problem.

I would be against amending the rules in this case - they seem to work in all the other leagues. Granted, a majority of those players have been around since SOM inception, but even the less experienced (and by that I mean experienced in these type of leagues) players seem to understand all the nuances. I don't want anyone to be offended, and I'm not calling anyone out, but I would suggest that [b:0ec19ed7f3]everyone[/b:0ec19ed7f3] read up on the rules again so we can possibly keep these types of problems to a minimum.
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Postby blsmith7 » Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:27 am

I have no problem with the rules and see no need to change them. They are rules, and we must follow them, whether we like or agree with them or not. I commend Niner for his diligence (welcome back by the way) in even picking this up. It is our responsibility to follow the rules. I don't have a resolution to the current situation, but I am not in favor of changing the rules at this point. That is my .02.

On another note, I traded my second round pick to Hanna and was hoping Coste would slip under the radar back to me. Oh well - nice pick - and back to the spreadsheets. Me don't like not having draft picks (I gotta file that one away) - though I do like Doumit hitting - just hope his catching skills improve this year.

One final note - welcome C2 - glad to have you!
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Postby cummings2 » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:13 am

Thnx Smitty,

I left proxies with KD and NP.

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Rule addition

Postby Ninersphan » Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:28 am

Despite the fact 2 of you have already voiced an opinion saying you don't think we need a rule change I will put this idea up to a vote, with myself abstaining so we can have a majority:

[b:459e472fc2]Supplemental Draft Rule Addition[/b:459e472fc2]

[i:459e472fc2]Trading supplemental draft picks[/i:459e472fc2]

Supplemental draft picks can be traded, however to keep the draft at 36 picks maximum, when a pick is traded away, the trading manager not only trades away the rights to make the pick but also the rights to make the drop for that pick to the manager with whom he is making the trade.
In other words, the manager trading away the supplemental draft pick can only drop 2 player prior to the supplemental draft and the player gaining the pick is allowed to drop 4 players. [color=red:459e472fc2]This rule is void however if the drops have already been made.[/color:459e472fc2]


For the new rule: [b:459e472fc2]0 votes[/b:459e472fc2]

Against the new rule: [b:459e472fc2]0 votes[/b:459e472fc2]

If you have questions please ask.
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Postby kaviksdad » Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:04 am


For the new rule: 0 votes

Against the new rule: 1 votes
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