SOM Around the World Tourney

Postby visick » Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:47 am

Looks like the best laid plans etc...

Anyhow, I'm thinking this is only going to work with 12 managers.

I don't mind bowing out here to get it closer to 12. If the good doc drops also, you'll have 13 managers.

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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:59 pm

Geekor, looks like you are not getting the desired # of participants. To make this easier I will bow out.
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:01 pm

I want to host a simple little tournament to see who is the best of ALL of SOM. That's right, not just 200x or ATG, we're going around the world and paying them all (and yes I suck and the mystery card games).

Here's the gist. We will each play one season of each current format. This means one of each of these seasons in this order: BTT80's, 1969, BTT70's, 1986, 2007 and ATG4. You must play each of these to be eligible to win. You must be around to play all 6 please.

Every league will be 80mil progressive cap (if available) and DH will be used in BTT80's, 1986, 2007 and no DH will be used in BTT70's, 1969 and ATG4. Every league will just be straight autodraft, no assigned divisions.

We will start each season 1 month after the other, so say BTT80's starts August 11th, the goal is then to gave 1969 start Sept 8th, and so on.

Scoring will be as follows:
1 point for every win.
10 points for winning your division.
5 points for winning the WC.
10 points for making the finals.
10 points for winning the Titles.

Whomever has the most points after the 6 events will be the SOM of the World Champion, and I will mail then an actual trophy for them to keep (dude, I'm not rich, it's the best I can do).

We need people to join in multiples of 12, so if there ends up being 29 people to join for instance, I'm sorry but the last 5 to join will be left out.

I will wait as long as possible to get enough people to join but there will be an eventual cut-off. if I get enough signups, Bernie can open us up a separate thread.

I will also need some help from any veterans to help commish individual leagues, please when signing up if you are willing to help, let me know.

Any other questions or clarification, please ask.

1. geekor
2. visick
3. keyzick
5. azavarella
6. duranjerry-I can help
7. springer0432
8. BoDean
9. Runnin Rebel
10. ldanred
11 redlarkins
12. Red Beards
13. Jack
14. TheGoodDoc

I will close sign ups after this week, so we can start loading teams next week in BTT80's. Wish I'd get more, but will play either way.
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Postby dlarkins » Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:43 am

if 12 managers is goal
my son redlarkins will drop out


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Postby visick » Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:07 am

Sorry geekor, but I'm gonna drop out of this.

I've devoted alot of my attention to ATG AND the Tour event this year.

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we now have 12

Postby dlarkins » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:36 pm

let's start with us 12 ok

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Postby geekor » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:42 pm

80's league is create, I gotta Jet got called into Jury Duty.... sigh

password is tourney (league name should be obvious)

thanks all!
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'your" league

Postby WGullett » Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:44 pm

Unforutately, I just saw where you created a league. I am sorry that I missed it. Geekor, the next time you start one of these I would appreciate you sending me a message that you have done this. That way I can make sure to be in that league. Thanks.
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Postby durantjerry » Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:46 pm

You didn't miss it. There is only one person in it and only twelve participants counting you, I think.
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Postby DAVIDFLORIO » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:47 am

just wondering i just saw the post..i am new to this but i have always loves strat o help me out here do i need to own the game?? i have pc baseball with dave kach if you know what that is...but i feel it has flaws and i always loved strat let me know??? looking for info
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