by Great Unwashed » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:33 pm
There was a big stink a while back about a HR normalizer, which was supposed to have been turned off. I'm not sure if it was or not, but I've noticed that there seems to be performance normalizers for offensive players. Regression towards the mean can explain some of it, but with the hundreds (thousands?) of leagues that have been played you would expect to see more extreme performances than we see. The results should be a bell curve with a few wild and extreme results on either side, and I think those results are being normalized towards the middle. It's just subjective experience, but I've come to count on a SHARP improvement from players that are having a slow start, and vice versa.
I agree with those that don't think that there's a team record normalizer, per se - that wouldn't make much sense and would be very hard to do - but I do think that the sudden change in fortunes of certain teams can be explained by several players that are off to a fast start being cooled off.