by joethejet » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:36 am
K, got to go to bed, but will post these and ask you guys to give me some analysis before I get a chance to look closer.
Obviously Big A, is WAAAAAY off and so is Hawk. Maybe I got their two teams confused. ;)
The ratings would say that the playoff teams would come from the top six teams as the ratings there are pretty close. Drops off a bit after that, but really the only teams you wouldn't expect to have a chance (based on ratings) are Warrior, Smoke and Hawk. <shrug> Something is up with Hawk's numbers, maybe I'll have to double check.
Team O P F P+F Ovral Div
BigAlrc 8308 4854 336 5190 3118 E
cummng2 8272 4609 664 5273 2999 W
BigMahn 7713 4710 99 4810 2904 E
JeepDrv 8225 5056 292 5348 2876 E
ArrylTr 7924 4975 107 5082 2841 C
Wineman 8104 4701 598 5300 2805 E
NinersP 8149 4867 527 5394 2755 W
Silvers 8480 4897 835 5732 2748 W
Stoney. 8415 4977 712 5688 2726 C
Warrior 7870 4805 628 5433 2445 W
Smokey. 7554 5012 242 5254 2300 C
Hawkeye 7776 5032 550 5583 2193 C