by qksilver69 » Sun Feb 12, 2006 6:27 pm
Since Cubit may take a while to check in, I am going to go ahead & pick a state for him, don't think he'll mind. BTW, Lotto #s are lowest picks 1st, highest picks last, just to be clear....
If anyone has the rating disk & can send Penn the spreadsheets, that would be great. Anyone who does not have a username/password to Penn's draft site please post here. We will be doing the draft off of his site.
1. Qksilver - CA
2. Cubit - TE
3. Possible John - MI
4. Penngray - FL
5. SGT D- NY
6. Smitty - NJ
7. hawk -GA
8. Ineluki - PA
9. geekor - OH
10. Woody5- TX
11. Pinhead1987 - KY
12. MrBBW- WI
(changed Cubit's state to TE as NM had no pick 3 yesterday, only 1 in group, I did it random)
Last edited by
qksilver69 on Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.