by durantjerry » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:05 am
Going with weaker starting pitching and defense is definately an option. IMO, Coors is not the place to try it. In my experience, it is easy to score in Coors and difficult to stop someone from scoring. I think you need at least decent SP and maybe an extra reliever than usual as well as a good defense. I have had Wang, Escobar and Hill(RH) have nice seasons in Coors. Snell may work. I really hate Maddox and Kazmir. I have seen Maddox have a good season or two, but he gets really hit hard for me despite a good statistical season and what looks like a decent card. Kazmir's WHIP is just too high and he is a LH. He has gotten crushed for me in PNC as a fourth starter, which does not bode well for success in Coors. Smoltz obviously is a good choice. If you are going to go with Bettancourt, you might as well use a guy like Jenks, who is great in Coors and you can use the same settings. I have had him save about 50 games there at least a couple of times setting him as you want to set Bettancourt. Sherrill is good, but I would not spend money on more than a cheap LH reliever. Broxton looks good. You may consider cheaper, as you can use RH balanced relievers and there are some pretty good ones cheaper. I would play VMart at catcher. A 600 PA catcher(and a very good one) gives you an advantage over others. You lose that by playing him at first and your catcher stinks. If it was say B Molina at C I might think differently, but Bowen is a nothing guy. Sanchez is OK, but the LH balance is a problem in a RH park. Young is OK I guess, but he has not been the offensive force for me in 2007 that he was in prior years, making his "3" rating a problem, especially beside Cabrera and with Lee and VMart playing. I'm sure he will be good offensively in Coors, but I'm not sure how much offensive value he brings to the table. C Lee and Cabrera are good hitters for your park. Beltran seems to do well everywhere, but in trying to maximize his value I would not use him in Coors. I would not waste a top or second draft choice on a guy to play him in a park that would not be ideal. There are cheap dh's better than yours-Sosa, Butler, etc. To conclude, I don't see a happy ending for you, mainly because I feel a poor defense in Coors assures mediocrity. I could be wrong on all your players potential, but the defense is what it is. To me, all comment is almost irrelevant after you see you are planning to play three four rated players in the corners and a "3" at SS. I am actually trying a "4" rated 2B AND SS, but I definately would not try it in Coors based on my attempts at winning there.