ah, the whisps of nostalgia wafting through the corridors of the memories, ever gentle on my mind. a good old fashioned message board draft. Im on a layover in ohare on way to cleveland. atleast a couple of picks have been made, but looks like I'll be waiting a while to find out if the other guy I was hemming and hawing about makes his way back to my 7th round pick. I'll be around tonight for p.t.'s if people want to proxy and keep this thing going if enough of us are around. should be in my room about the time bk resurfaces on the left coast. ofcourse we have no way of knowing the colonels proxies since they're buried in the rubble of penn's sight, unless he p.t.'d a copy to someone.
dissapointed no one supremely pained by the hiram pick, but makes a nice platoon cf with dejesus :evil: