USKL3 chat thread

Postby the splinter » Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:38 pm

having been in many leagues with Ames I CANNOT recommend him...he kicks my ace too often! :oops:
the splinter
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mike young deal falls apart

Postby mwatson392 » Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:42 pm

had a deal going for mike young, but it fell through!

Im looking to package a deal

mike young and scot olsen as a combo!
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Postby Ninersphan » Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:31 pm

With the increasing liklihood that we'll have 2 new owners in the next 36 hours, I'm wondering how the rest of you feel about amending the rule on stadiums.

I'm thinking of allowing the new members to change stadiums if they want to and to keep it fair aloow any one else who wants to to do the same. What do the rest of you think?
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Postby cummings2 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:50 pm

I'm down with that... keeping in mind that when I took over this team I wasn't given the chance to change :wink:

... but really I think it's cool. If Stevie Ames comes in he can even pick anyone on my roster to make him feel welcomed :)

Whatever you and the rest choose Niners is more than fine by me if it goes to voting I say yes.

C2 is a cool cat and you know what cool cats do, right?

... they stay cool!

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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:02 am

I'm with Chuck
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:45 am

Im cool with that! 8-)
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Postby mwatson392 » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:52 am

No problem with that...
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Hot Stove chatter

Postby kaviksdad » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:28 am

I'm in need of the following for next year:

1) Stud corner OF
2) Closer for next year
3) Middle infield upgrade
4) Catcher upgrade

I have starting pitching to spare for next year, and can offer Dice-K in any package. I also have RP depth and prospects.

Don't bother asking for Cain, Morrow, Longoria or Travis Snider - they're all untouchable.
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Moving back to this thread

Postby Ninersphan » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:10 am

[quote:5ca6cb7a41="qksilver"]1. thisisray -NY - 580
2. Madigan33 -MI - 777
3. [b:5ca6cb7a41]Cubs48 - 958[/b:5ca6cb7a41]
4. hawk-GA - 347
5. Billyv-PA - 329
6. AF Dickie- 025
7. Edub1969-OH - 246
8. [b:5ca6cb7a41]qksilver-CA 991 [/b:5ca6cb7a41]

I am likely to take team 2 (CHI home park) but still deciding. If I take team 2 I will put the following players on the block:

(no, not a Yankee hater at all!)
maybe Justin Upton

Will want 3B, CF, SP, top RH RP, and prospects in return for some of the above. LMK if interested, email addy in my TSN profile works.


Yup it's official, welcome [b:5ca6cb7a41]qksilver[/b:5ca6cb7a41] and [b:5ca6cb7a41]Cubs48[/b:5ca6cb7a41], I've sent out rosters to you.

[b:5ca6cb7a41]qk,[/b:5ca6cb7a41] let us know for sure which team you are taking. The 2 that are available, were Irishjoes's and Dalinoth's

Also I've discussed it with the league and we are going to allow stadium changes for this year with new owners on board, so you are not stuck with those stadiums. Of course, everyone else gets to switch if they want to as well.


[i:5ca6cb7a41]Nov. 18th until mid January (When the ratings book/disc comes out)[/i:5ca6cb7a41]

Hot stove time. No games played but trades cam be made

Once the ratings book is out, teams will have about 2 weeks to declare their intent to switch stadiums or stay, once everyone has declared we will hold a stadium draft using the current draft order:

1. bby
2. [b:5ca6cb7a41]TBD[/b:5ca6cb7a41]
3. Kavkisdad
4. terry101
5. Ninersphan
6. cummings2
7. watts141
8. 7smitty7
9. cshannajr
10. splinter
11. [b:5ca6cb7a41]TBD[/b:5ca6cb7a41]
12. klx22

[i:5ca6cb7a41]Post stadium draft until March 7th ( When TSN cards come out)[/i:5ca6cb7a41]

Continue Hot stove activities.

[b:5ca6cb7a41]Final cutdown rosters will be due by March 7th [/b:5ca6cb7a41]so that we can begin the Spring Free Agent draft as soon as the cards are released. Please consult the rules tab for rules reguarding cuts and prospect promotions. I'll also post pertinent rules as we get closer.

Any questions, please ask.
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Postby qksilver69 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:54 pm

Hi gang,

I have an email out to Cubs58 which may impact the team I choose. Let you know as soon as I hear from him.


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